Sister Theresa Hydrangea was purchased at Lowe's next to my work place. It was huge and I was super excited to purchase this plant and bring it home. It didn't have any flowers when I first bought it, but after a month or so the blooms were huge and so beautiful.
February 26, 2015
This morning I added additional potting soil and mixed it with a slow release fertilized to the base surrounding the hydrangea. When I moved the rocks around the hydrangea to add the new mixture, I noticed there was a lot of worms around the base, which verified why this hydrangea was doing great compare to my other ones. The soil must be really rich therefore helping this plant to thrive. Hopefully the new mixture will help it grow bigger this year. I trimmed the dead wood down to the first bulb that bloomed and removed a few short dead branches.
March 30th, 2015
May 28, 2015
This plant is doing great. However, since it doesn't get much sun the blooms are taking a long time to bloom...very very VERY slowly.